Corrective eyelid surgery


Reconstruction after excision of skin cancer


Lower eyelid retraction repair (the lower eyelids are lifted to their normal position)

Lower eyelid entropion repair (a "turned-in" eyelid is returned to its normal position)

Upper eyelid retraction repair in thyroid eye disease (the upper eyelid is lowered to its normal position) + Lower eyelid entropion repair (the lower eyelid is rotated outward to its normal position)

Lacrimal Surgery (Surgery of the Tear outflow system)

Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). The incision is well-hidden in the skin fold. 

Orbital Surgery

Removal of orbital tumor (Arrows show the mass is displacing the right eye)


Trauma surgery

Complex eyelid and tear duct (canalicular) reconstruction after trauma

Repair of eyelid and tear canal (canalicular) laceration. (Arrow shows canalicular stent in place)